Debt Division Attorney Serving Long Island
Resolving Property & Debt Disputes in Divorce
Most individuals just wish that all of their debt could be transferred to the other spouse during a divorce. Unfortunately, New York views debt as marital property, so it gets divided equitably right along with everything else acquired during a marriage. To ensure that you don't get saddled with an unfair amount of debt, it may be advantageous to secure the legal counsel of our firm.
We have helped countless clients feel confident in the outcome of their divorce. Our Long Island divorce attorney will never rush through the details of your case, but instead, we take our time to maximize your peace of mind and our effectiveness. Debt division doesn't have to be depressing when you partner with Rubenfeld Law Firm!
New York's Property Division Laws
Before you envision splitting the debt 50-50 between you and your spouse, you may want to think again. New York is an equitable division state, but this does not mean debt division is always perfectly fair. The court will consider things like your age, the length of your marriage, and earning capacities before they divvy everything up.
All of the following debt is considered fair game during a divorce:
- Credit card charges
- Medical bills
- Student loans
- Business debts
- Auto accident claims
- Personal loans
It is not uncommon to have questions about the way your debt will be divided, especially if you think your spouse contributed more to a certain aspect then you did. Having your questions answered before showing up in court is critical, as you do not want to be caught off guard by the final outcome of your case.
Our family law firm is here to address your concerns as they arise. Get in touch with our Long Island divorce lawyer today!

Why Choose Rubenfeld Law Firm?
Cases Handled with Minimal Conflict & Stress
Personalized Representation & Devoted Attention
The National Advocates: Top 100 Lawyers
More than 25 Years of Legal Experience