Divorce Without Children in NY
Long Island Divorce Lawyer Providing Quick Solutions for Divorcing Couples
Divorce is a complicated and emotional family law issue. Even without children, many issues will have to be addressed that will likely result in discontent among all parties. When children are not involved in the picture, not much will keep you in close contact with your ex-spouse. As a result, you must ensure that divorce is the most profitable outcome for your future. You will need the assistance of an experienced and qualified Long Island divorce attorney from our firm to navigate the emotional and financial waters of divorce. We can ensure that your rights are protected and your goals are achieved.
Terms of Divorce in New York State
Your divorce may either be contested or uncontested depending on the specific circumstances of your case. An uncontested divorce is one in which both parties can mutually agree on many of the important topics that must be addressed, such as property division and alimony. Contested divorces are much more time consuming and expensive as they require court involvement. Couples who are unable to agree on the terms of their divorce will need to pursue a contested divorce. Alimony, or spousal support, is the payment made from one parent to the other during and / or after divorce on a basis and for a length of time agreed to by both parties or ordered by the court. Property division refers to the equitable distribution of the couple's marital assets. Negotiation or litigation pertaining to any of these issues is best handled by a family lawyer from our firm.
Experienced Legal Guidance from a Long Island Divorce Attorney
Even without children involved, a divorce case can be one of the most emotional circumstances you will ever experience. At Rubenfeld Law Firm, our goal is to safeguard your legal rights and help you pursue the best possible result to your case. We believe that securing the legal assistance of an experienced Long Island family law attorney from our firm is a decision that you will never regret. Whether you are able to get divorced through settlement or your case requires aggressive litigation, we can be the help you need.
Call us today for guidance for your divorce.

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